About the Breed: Pekingese
Pekingese are affectionate companions who also make active watchdogs.
Please see the Pekingese Club of America's detailed history.
A combination of regal dignity, intelligence and self-importance make for a good natured, opinionated and affectionate companion to those who have earned its respect.
Incredibly loyal and loving.
Playful and willing to please.
Quiet and fairly low on the energy scale.
Can be difficult to housebreak.
Can be intolerant of young children.
Professional grooming highly recommended.
More Info
Pekingese Club of America
AKC page about Pekingese
Best With
Pekingese do best with people who are home much of the time or spend time with them. For those who work, they would benefit from having another dog or cat companion.
People who are willing to consistently train with positive reinforcement
People who like to groom or have a great groomer.
Not For
Families with young children or who plan to have young children in the near future.
People who are not willing to walk them on a leash or have a fenced yard.
People who are not willing to take the time to groom or use a professional groomer. Pekingese need consistent grooming.
People who need to leave their dog alone all day.

Pekingese Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Pekingese Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Pekingese Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Pekingese Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue
Females and Males are roughly similar sizes and weights. Breed Standard allows Pekes up to 14 lbs. Most rescue Pekes are from 10-18 lbs, are long in body and are normally around 10 inches tall.
Pekingese come in a variety of colors and all colors are acceptable to breed standard.
Energy Level:
Lower energy, but can get their exercise met running around the house. They do like walks. Older dogs tend to be more mellow. Due to their short face, Pekes are heat intolerant and likely get winded on long walks. Lower exercise needs than most breeds.
Life Expectancy:
On average, 12 to 15 years.
Does well with older, dog savvy, respectful children. Due to the history most rescue Pekes have had with children, we will not consider homes with children under 10 yrs old.
Other Animals:
Aloof at first, but then can live peacefully with other animals. Due to size and prominent eyes, they can be fairly easily injured by larger, rough dogs.
Pekes are the ultimate lap dog. The prefer a loving, quiet household where they can be adored. They love to learn with positive reinforcement.
Pekingese have a very thick costs consisting of thick outer hairs with a thick undercoat. They should be brushed deeply weekly to remove shedding undercoat. They luxurious coat keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Professional grooming highly recommended. A “puppy cut” keeps the average pet and owner happy.
The Pekingese is prone to minor health problems like elongated soft palate, patellar luxation, stenotic nares, Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS), trichiasis, corneal abrasions, disticiasis, and skin fold dermatitis. It also known to suffer from urolithiasis occasionally. They also are prone to eye injury and can suffer from diseases of the eye.