About the Breed: Norwegian Elkhound
The Norwegian Elkhound is a friendly, confident, loyal companion who is up for any adventure with their owners.
The Norwegian Elkhound is an ancient breed, having been developed over 6000 years ago to help early Scandinavians and Vikings hunt big game such as moose and bear. Remains of dogs remarkably similar to the modern Elkhound have been found in grave sites dated as far back as 4000-5000 BC.
The Elkhound is a confident, independent, intelligent, and loyal companion. They are bold and energetic, an effective guardian, yet normally friendly, with great dignity.
Up for all of their owner’s activities.
Good watchdogs.
They shed—A LOT.
Prone to barking.
Independent and stubborn... need to be convinced that doing a task is in their best interest.
More Info
Best With
A loving home that can provide vigorous, daily, mental and physical exercise, and a regular routine.
Owners willing to use positive training only.
Homes with a minimum 6-foot solid wooden fence or secure farm fencing.
Active owners.
Not For
Someone who wants a very obedient dog.
Someone who is bothered by barking.
Someone who is not willing to trim toenails.
Someone who is not willing to take the time and money to train.
Someone who lives in an apartment or has no yard.

Norwegian Elkhound Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Norwegian Elkhound Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Norwegian Elkhound Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue

Norwegian Elkhound Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue
Average 19.5 inches at the shoulder, and roughly 48 pounds.
Average 20.5 inches at the shoulder, and roughly 5 pounds.
Gray coat with variations in shade determined by the length of black tips and quantity of guard hairs. Gray body color is darkest on the saddle, with distinctive harness markings from shoulder to elbow. Muzzle is black shading to gray over forehead and skull. Undercoat is clear light silver.
Energy Level:
Very adaptive to the energy level of their family.
Life Expectancy:
On average, 12 to 15 years.
Elkhounds are normally friendly and do very well around children.
Other Animals:
Due to their hunting background, they need to be introduced to other animals carefully.
With their energy level, they do well at performance dog events, as well as tracking and barn hunt.
Elkhounds blow their coat twice a year, and it is exactly what it sounds like. During this time, they need daily brushing. For the rest of they year, a weekly brushing with suffice. Their coat sheds dirt and they do not have a strong doggy odor, numerous baths are not necessary.
Norwegian Elkhounds can have hip dysplasia, eye disorders, renal disease, and skin ailments (cysts).