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Doberman Pinscher Dog

About the Breed: Doberman Pinscher


The Doberman Pinscher is often referred to as a “velcro dog”—they love being with their human.


In 1890, Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann of Apolda, Germany created the breed we know as the Doberman Pinscher. Louis Dobermann had several jobs, including a tax collector and a dog catcher. By selecting from the dogs he caught, he chose what traits he wanted in a new breed: protective, loyal companion. The AKC recognized the Doberman Pinscher in 1908.


The Doberman Pinscher bonds deeply with their human, and want nothing more than to be right next to them at all times. Some can be aloof with strangers, especially men.

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  • Incredibly loyal and loving.

  • Silly, yet regal.

  • Extremely smart, quick learners.

  • Very protective of their family.


  • Can be pushy and stubborn.

  • Can have a few health issues.

  • Can be overly protective of family.

Best With

  • Experienced owners who can serve as a consistent leader and guide;

  • Owners that want the dog to be part of the family.

  • Homes with a good-sized yard to burn off extra energy.

Not For

  • Someone who wants a passive dog;

  • People who are not willing to take the time and money to train.

  • People who live in an apartment or have no yard.




Males average 25 to 27″ inches at the shoulder; females are typically 24 to 26″. Weights can vary, but the Doberman is considered a “medium size dog,” so dogs who are taller than the standard or weigh over 100# are considered oversized or overweight.



Black, red, blue, fawn—with tan or rust markings; white or Albino are not an AKC allowed color.

Energy Level:


Very active.

Life Expectancy:

On average, 9-14 years.



Good with kids if the kids are good with dogs. Definitely require a human leader with dog experience.

Other Animals:


Same sex aggression is sometimes found, especially with males. Some Dobermans can have a high prey drive with small animals, while others can live peacefully with cats and other small animals.



Anything they want to do—from snuggling to agility.



The Doberman sheds minimally, and needs only an occasional bath, and regular nail clipping.


Known genetic health issues include Cardiomyopathy, von Willebrands Disease (a bleeding disorder), Wobblers (CVI), and Chronic Active Hepatitis.

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PO Box 3523, Redmond, WA 98073-3523

(206) 654-1117

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Website by Sindelar Communications

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