Benefits of Rescuing a Dog Through SPDR
SPDR not only fills a rescue niche for people looking to adopt a dog, and people needing to rehome their dog, but it benefits local shelters and ultimately, the dogs!
For Adopters...
They can rescue a purebred, possibly saving its life, and feel good about providing a loving home.
They can consult with a knowledgeable person for assistance in finding a dog of their chosen breed, and the right dog for their situation.
They can continue to keep in touch with SPDR’s Breed Rep for ongoing advice about ownership, training, and behavior.

For People Needing to Rehome Their Dog...
SPDR can provide adopters for people needing to relinquish their dog, which helps keeps dogs out of shelters.
For Shelters...
SPDR’s involvement helps get purebreds adopted from shelters, thereby making more room in the shelters for all dogs, drugs which gives them a better chance to be adopted.
SPDR’s breed representatives likewise serve as an educational resource for shelters throughout the Puget Sound area.

For Dogs...
Informed choices and SPDR’s ongoing support after the adoption result in more successful, long-lasting adoptions, preventing “shelter bounce back.”
Why Purebreds?
The ASPCA estimates that 3 to 4 million dogs enter animal shelters every year.
Roughly 25% of these dogs are purebred.
Many people looking for a new dog are looking for a specific breed (a purebred).
SPDR forms a valuable link between individuals looking to adopt purebreds, and our volunteers with breed-specific expertise, which improves the chances of a good adoption for all concerned.